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Review of the 3rd meeting of the technicians of the Lake Geneva basin.

On Monday 06 February, our 3rd edition of the Lake Geneva basin technicians' meetings took place in collaboration with the ACGR.

The aim of these meetings is to bring together all the educators/coaches of the Lake Geneva area (Switzerland/France), all categories included.

The theme of this meeting was goal setting. The session was led by Christian Ramos, a specialist in mental preparation and a member of the Grenat group.

Many thanks to the 30 educators present and all the clubs represented: GEPLO, Avusy, CERN, Hermance, Saint-Julien-en-Genevois, Annemasse, Thonon, Servette, Ligue Aura.

Date of the next meetings :

- Monday 27 March: Theme on defence
- Monday 26 June: Planning and physical preparation

Do not hesitate to join us for the next seminars by registering with Nicolas Forgez: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Thanks to the ACGR for its collaboration, which aims to grow our pool.